Ya no uso este blog. Si quieres ver mis trabajos mas recientes visita mi fanpage de Facebook!

I don’t use this blog anymore. If you want to see my lastest work, go take a look to my FB fanpage!  

Art by Karlita Bonita


Ludum Dare is a contest  about developing a game in less than 3 days. Me and some friends joined and we just finished it, this is the final game, just in time!  I wish there was more time to check or improve design and gameplay, but that’s what Ludum Dare is about, to finish a nice game in just a couple of days. There were a looot of changes both in the mechanics and graphics from the beggining to the end.

I was behind the art, title screen and icons design,  they may look simple but it was TONS of hard work, time consuming graphics, and I’m serious XD.

Btw, we would be very happy if you left us some feedback:

Terminal Illness Kongregate

Click to play!

And our entry on the Ludum Dare website: Terminal Illness